About the Author

Here I just list some facts of my life.

To get in touch, sent a message to akbaraka@yahoo.com

I was born on August 17, 1977 in Margilan city, Uzbekistan. Currently, I live there too.

In 1984 I went to 11-th secondary school of Margilan and graduated it in 1994. I liked science subjects. I even participated at some science olympiad and got some prizes - 1993 - 3rd place in chemistry at regional (viloyat) level; 1994 - 1st place in math at regional (viloyat) level and 4th place in math at republic level.

Next, in 1994 I was admitted to the department of physics of the Ferghana State University. In 1998 successfully graduated it with bachelor degree in Physics with focus on Theory of Semiconductors. Again, participated at some contests and conferences. In 1995 got third place prize at physics olympiad among students of the entire republic. Published some scientific articles, including some in pretty respective journals such as "Journal of Theoretical Physics" , Moscow (Журнал Теоретической Физики). Partially for that scientific activity I was awarded with "National Ulugbek Stipend" (1996-97 academic year) and "Presidential Stipend" (1997-98 academic year).

At 1998 I participated at the competition by "Umid Foundation" and got the ability to study at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (Huntsville, AL, USA).

So I studied the during 1998-2001 at the Computer Science department and got the degree of "Master of Science in Computer Science". My primary focus was on Software Engineering and OOA/OOD.

In 2001 I started to work at Ferghana "Azot" chemical plant as System Engineer. In August 2002 I was promoted to the position of the manager of department of Automated Control System. Currently, I work at the position.

In 2004 I have participated in Manager's Training Program (MTP) funded by Europaid.

Despite working somewhere, I never stopped programming, usually on contract basis.

I had my first contact with computer in school. It was Pravetz 8A - Bulgarian clone of the original Apple. Soon, after playing some games, I focused on programming. Since the only language available on the machines was Basic, I started with it. Later I moved to PCs. That machines had more compilers available, so, on a friend's advice, I started learning Pascal. The compiler used was Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.0. Later I moved to v7.0 which has support for Object-Oriented Programming. The OOP attracted my attention, but the only documentation on the subject I could get was the online help. Anyway, I've learned and still use it. Soon I learnt the Turbo-Vision, an object-oriented framework used by Borland compilers for DOS environment. Then, as most users moved to the Windows 3.1, my programming interests also moved to Windows. I went the Borland's way by using the Object Windows - the framework offered by Borland for Windows Programming. Although the framework wrapped the WinAPI pretty well, sometimes it wasn't enough, and I had to call API directly. Later someone told me that C/C++ is more suited for Windows programming on the API level. Cause I had pretty of experience in programming, learning just another new language went smoothly. I just grabbed "A Book on C" by Ritchie and installed Borland C++ IDE. Soon after that, I got a copy of "Inside Visual C++" by Kruglinski, which caused my move to Visual C++ and MFC. The VC/MFC is still my favorite platform for mainstream programming. For some simple tasks, I use Visual Basic, Java, and even Perl. Recently I've discovered about J2ME and developed some projects using this technology.

Destroyer Screenshot
Today the featured project is Destroyer - a J2ME port of a popular puzzle game. Developed for Nokia Series 40 mobile phones.

Hosted by uCoz